At BroCoTec, we understand that the difference between exceptional IT support and subpar service isn’t just about cost or flat-rate offerings. It’s about a multitude of factors that distinguish the best from the rest. We often hear from clients who switched to us not because they were unaware of their previous provider’s shortcomings, but because they didn’t know what excellent support looked like.

In this post, we outline ten characteristics that define superior IT service providers. It’s time to stop tolerating technical issues and mediocre service that could be jeopardizing your company. Exceptional IT providers:

  1. Provide Immediate Assistance in Emergencies In a crisis, waiting on hold or leaving a voicemail isn’t an option. You need immediate help. Dependable IT providers understand the importance of time and ensure they answer calls live or respond within 30 minutes.
  2. Are Always Accessible and Responsive Are they consistently available, even for minor tech-support issues? If your staff is frustrated with recurring issues, poor customer service, or prolonged wait times for solutions, it’s a warning sign.
  3. Offer Support Beyond Regular Business Hours Any competent IT company will provide live phone support and respond promptly from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. However, many executives work beyond these hours and require IT support during nights and weekends. Top-tier IT companies are accessible anytime and still guarantee swift response times.
  4. Monitor Your Network Proactively You shouldn’t be the one notifying your IT company of an issue. Their technicians should be monitoring your systems for downtime, breaches, inefficiencies, and more, and proactively proposing solutions and updates.
  5. Have a User-Friendly Customer Service System Can you easily submit a request in their IT management portal for prompt assignment, tracking, prioritization, documentation, and resolution of your issues? If not, your requests might get overlooked, skipped, or forgotten, indicating a lack of customer focus.
  6. Implement a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Plan Cybersecurity is critical. If your IT team hasn’t proposed a plan to protect your business, they may not be equipped to provide the level of support and protection you need, putting you at risk.
  7. Provide Detailed and Transparent Invoices Do you know exactly what you’re paying for? You deserve to know. Make sure your IT provider is willing to be completely transparent about costs.
  8. Carry Adequate Insurance If your IT team causes a network issue that results in downtime, data loss, or a security breach, who’s liable? Make sure your IT provider is adequately insured with errors and omissions insurance, workers’ compensation, and cyber liability.
  9. Regularly Test Backups If your IT provider isn’t regularly backing up your data and ensuring it’s backed up, you could lose everything if you need a restore. Your IT company should treat your data as if it’s their own.
  10. Complete Projects On Time and Within Budget If your IT provider is constantly adding fees or delaying projects, it’s time to switch. Exceptional IT providers accurately estimate project timelines and strive to adhere to the schedule and budget as closely as possible.

Don’t settle for substandard IT service. If you want to experience trustworthy, reliable IT support, we offer a FREE, no-obligation Network Assessment. Our team of experts will work together to manage your network stress-free. We’ll provide optimization ideas, identify potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and suggest ways to enhance your business technology.

To get started, click here to book your FREE Network Assessment now or call our office at 832.536.9012.